The Hull Active Schools annual awards will celebrate student achievements related to Physical Education, physical activity and school sport throughout the 2024/25 academic year. The awards will provide us with a platform to recognise whole school development and delivery, including the outstanding staff involved in PE, School Sport and Physical Activity from across the city of Hull. The Hull Active Schools awards committee wish to invite nominations for schools, students and staff for each of the award categories detailed further down on this page.
We host separate awards for the following school settings; Primary Schools, Secondary Schools and Special Schools
Nomination process and award categories will be shared with all schools.
Primary School Awards
Date: Monday 8th July 2024
Venue: Jubilee Central, 62 King Edward Street, Hull, HU1 3SQ
Doors Open: 6pm
SHOW STARTS: 6.30pm - 8.00pm
Special School Awards
Date: Thursday 11th July 2024
Venue: Jubilee Central, 62 King Edward Street, Hull, HU1 3SQ
Doors Open: 12.30pm
SHOW STARTS: 1pm - 2pm
Secondary School Awards
Date: Thursday 11th July 2024
Venue: Jubilee Central, 62 King Edward Street, Hull, HU1 3SQ
Doors Open: 6pm
SHOW STARTS: 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Where is Jubilee Central and is parking available?
Jubilee Central is a historic building located in the city centre of Hull within easy reach of all major transport links. The street address is; Jubilee Central, 62 King Edward Street, Hull, HU1 3SQ. There are a number of car parks (both Council and privately owned) within close walking distance of the venue. The closest car parks to the building are:
Albion Street (short stay) - 1 minute walk.
Prospect Centre – 2 minute walk
Pryme Street (multi-story long stay) – 5 minute walk
Princes Quay – 5 minute walk
Jubilee Central is fully accessible to those with limited mobility. There is ramp access into the building through the Waltham Street Entrance and an internal lift to the first floor. There are fully equipped disabled toilets on the ground floor. For more information on the venue please visit https://www.jubileecentral.org/our-location/
Who can attend the award ceremony?
All of our award winners will be invited to attend the award ceremony to receive their awards and receive the recognition they deserve. Schools will be informed upon successful nominations and issued with a formal invitation letter and a set amount of tickets, dependent on the award category. School staff and students will have a designated seating area, with parents/carers able to attend and watch from another seating area.
Will there be drink refreshments available to purchase?
Yes. The Jubilee Central venue has a fully stocked Cafe Bar for drink refreshments. If you are attending our primary schools or secondary school awards ceremonies on the evening we strongly recommend ensuring all young people have eaten beforehand as the awards will not finish until 8pm
When will the shortlist be announced?
The deadline for the submission of award nominations if Friday 14th June 2024. The shortlist for each award category will be announced on Wednesday 19th June 2024, with award winners invitations issued on or before Friday 28th June.
Will nominees be made aware ahead of the event if they have won?
Only the individuals, teams and schools who have won an award will be invited to attend the ceremony. Therefore, if you receive an invitation to the awards you will have won that particular award. We recommend school staff keep this information private from the students, which often makes the awards announcement even more special for the young people.
What is the dress code for the event for staff and students?
There is no specific dress code, however, we would encourage schools to suggest wearing school unform or school PE kit. Professional photographers will be present to take photos of all winners and these often look better with uniformed students, particularly if your school will be displaying these photos back at school. Alternatively, you may decided this is a great opportunity to allow your students to socialise outside of the day to day school environment and allow them to wear what they feel comfortable in.
Can I nominate more than once within a category?
You can nominate in every category, but only one nomination is permitted per award category from a school i.e. a PE Coordinator must select their chosen nominee for a specific category and not submit multiple students within the same category. You may have different staff at school looking to nominate students and teams so please ensure there’s a discussion between school staff on who to nominate.
How are the award winners chosen and by whom?
The Awards Committee is made up of the Hull Active Schools CIC directors and company secretary, plus two external individuals from the sport network in Hull. These individuals will be announced nearer to the shortlist deadline in order to provide full transparency.
Can I attend the award ceremony if I haven’t been nominated for an award?
Schools will be issued with detailed information on who should be invited to attend each award ceremony. Due to venue capacity and the number of awards, it is highly unlikely we will have capacity to accommodate non award winners as part of the guest list.
Will tickets be provided for the event?
Yes. Tickets will be provided to schools who will have the responsibility to ensure these are distributed accordingly to students, staff and parents/carers.
Please contact Alex Sherwood alex.sherwood@hullactiveschools.org or Mark Arridge marridge@smchull.org if you have any further questions or queries.