
Boccia England have developed some resources online and will be using their social media platforms to share weekly challenges and #BocciaAtHome ideas and information.


Scottish Boccia (@SDS_boccia) have created a virtual Lockdown League. A series of stations which are available to watch via their twitter stream - why not challenge your household?


Thank you Mr Higgns @MRHMulti-Sports for sharing this adapted version of Boccia - Soccia!


  1. Throw the white pair (jack) of socks as a marker

  2. The player (s) with the plain pairs of socks throws one pair at the white pair trying to get them as close as possible.

  3. The player (s) with the patterned pair of socks throws one pair until they get one pair closer to the white pair (jack).

  4. The player (s) whose socks are the furthest away keeps throwing their socks until they get one pair closer to the jack. The other player then throws their socks until they get one pair closer.

  5. Once all the socks have been thrown, the side with the sock closest to the jack will score one point for each ball closer to the jack than the opponent’s sock.

  6. Please note you can get a score of 1-0, 1-1, 2-0, 3-0, 4-0 etc.. You cannot get a score of 2-1 as one of the opponent’s socks will be closer. This cancel’s out the second point.

  7. The points from each end are then put together at the end of a match and the side with the higher total score is the winner. It isn’t necessarily the team which wins more ends.

