Primary School ENGAGE Festival
We held our first ENGAGE Festival for Hull primary schools at Ennerdale Leisure Centre during September 2021. This was one of our first events back after the summer holidays and it was fantastic to see 19 school teams take part. Our ENGAGE theme events are non-competitive and focus on targeting young people who would benefit from becoming more physically active.
Our School Games Value focus at this festival was DETERMINATION. The sports leaders from Sirius Academy West were tasked to judge each school team on their activity on how often they displayed the determination value.
Determination is when you try again and again to succeed in what you are trying to achieve or do. To be determined, You must try your best and never give up. If you don't succeed at first in what you are doing, try it over and over again until you get it perfect and how you want it.
If you school attended this event, don’t forget to submit any nominations on behalf of your players for this half terms School Games Value award. Please see below a snapshot of activity taken from our social media!