*Contact Alex Sherwood for your schools login credential for the website.
The Way of the Roses is a 170 mile cycling route which starts in Morecambe and finishes in Bridlington. Use our class or individual challenge recording sheets to complete ‘virtually’ and receive our recognition certificate when you’ve completed the challenge!
Everytime you go out for a walk, run, bike or scooter ride, colour in one marker. When you have colored in all 170 markers you’ve completed our Virtual Way of the Roses Challenge!
Hull Active Schools are inviting schools to take part and complete this ‘virtual’’ challenge either as class/year group or as individuals. Schools must register their interest on www.yourschoolgames.com website.
All schools registered will receive an electronic certificate to distribute to students who complete the challenge.
Top Tips!
Promote via social media and on your school website! This type of virtual challenges is perfect for engaging the wider school community. It would set an example for all students if STAFF complete the challenge too.
Incorporate the challenge into existing provision i.e. Way of the Roses Top Up time at the start or end of each PE lesson to form wither a warm up or cool down. What about setting as an active travel competition?
Create your own bespoke running route on your playground or playing fields. This could become part of the whole challenge for the students. Using basic measuring equipment i.e Trundle Wheel and Chalk!