Based on brand new, innovative content, this 2 hour Primary School Teacher Training Course has been developed by teachers for teachers, to help you deliver outstanding PE lessons with confidence.
As well as teaching fundamental movement skills and physical literacy, tennis is a great way of developing personal and character skills.
Course Content
The course demonstrates how tennis can be delivered to a whole class of children in a small space and how it can be adapted and differentiated for all learners. Activities focus on both improving pupils’ physical and character skills.
Free Resources
Every teacher attending the course receives a free pack of resources including: an activity flipbook, pupil achievement certificates and stickers. The activity flipbook provides a range of ideas for Warm Ups, Body & Ball, Racket & Ball, and Skill Application (Games) exercises.
All teachers also receive free access to our comprehensive range of online resources, including detailed lesson plans (fully mapped to the curriculum, with learning objectives) and a wide range of personal development (character) and cross curricular resources.
Finally, teachers attending the course (limited to one per school) will receive a £250 voucher to spend on 10 hours free coaching with a local LTA Accredited Coach!
This course is aimed at both qualified and trainee primary school teachers, as well as teaching assistants who are involved in delivering or supporting physical education in a primary school environment.